1.The line energization will causes damage if other end Line earth switch was closed.
The remote end earth switch interlock scheme is used to avoid this condition.
2. Sub-1 line Earth Switch status given to Sub-2 line DS interlock and Sub-2 line Earth Switch status given to Sub-1 Dis connector interlock.
3.If Sub-1 ES closed then Sub-2 line DS should not close vic var. Same Sub-2 ES closed Sub-1 line DS should not close vic var.
4. Take ES status 'NO' contact and transfer to remote end trough protection communication equipment. Pick up one Aux. Relay and relay contact add with DS interlock.
5. Same way take DS status 'NO' contact and transfer to remote end trough protection communication equipment. Pick up one Aux. Relay and relay contact add with ES interlock.
6.Two communication channels are required to send and receive the DS, ES status.