There are two 380 KV line in the substation and both are continuously charged for three months with 70% load in summer. The load was reduced in winter and one line got shutdown. The differential relay RED 670 which is belong to shutdown get started to restart again and again and finally its comes a stage as below


1. There is no Measurement column and instant of 'RED670' , ' IED 6x0.1.0 in the top line
2. There is no previous disturbance records and Events
3. There is no inbuilt serial numbers and type
4. Ready LED glows
1. All final relay settings are corrupted there is no more data
ABB suggested the following
1. DC switch ON/OFF
But nothing will happened same status
2. Up load final relay setting files again
Already rear side fiber communication with SAS failed and laptop connected in front port and relay was communicated. But setting file can't write and read from relay.
Finally ABB come to site and find out the problem. The Central processing unit ( CPU ) cord got failure and changed new one. Setting files are uploaded and tested. Now relay works fine.


1. There is no Measurement column and instant of 'RED670' , ' IED 6x0.1.0 in the top line
2. There is no previous disturbance records and Events
3. There is no inbuilt serial numbers and type
4. Ready LED glows
1. All final relay settings are corrupted there is no more data
ABB suggested the following
1. DC switch ON/OFF
But nothing will happened same status
2. Up load final relay setting files again
Already rear side fiber communication with SAS failed and laptop connected in front port and relay was communicated. But setting file can't write and read from relay.
Finally ABB come to site and find out the problem. The Central processing unit ( CPU ) cord got failure and changed new one. Setting files are uploaded and tested. Now relay works fine.