Thursday, September 5, 2013


The concentration of SO2 is an indicator for the presence of decomposition products in SF6 gas. The SO2 measurement in SF6 gas in the GIS equipment which is energized condition is easy way to analyze the abnormalities.

Gastec Detector Tubes

Gastec Tube

Gastec Detector Tubes are used for the rapid measurement of SO2 in SF6 gas. These Pre-calibrated, direct-read detector tubes offer distinct lines of demarcation for easier viewing and color charts. Each tube contains detecting reagents that are especially sensitive to the target substance and quickly produces a distinct layer color change. 

Gastec Gas Sampling Pumps

Gastec Gas Sampling Pumps are used to take the sample of SF6 gasCollect the SF6 gas in a polythene bag from the equipment Non returnable value. Take a fresh Detector Tubes and broke two edges and fix one edge with Gas sampling pump, insert the other end  in to gas collected polythene bag. Then pull the gas Pump handle.  Now gas will accumulated in the gas tube. If SO2 presence in the SF6 gas, the tube in side Blue color will be change in to Yellow.