Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Ferroresonance is a phenomena appears in the system voltage in the non linear Inductance circuit , capacitance load circuit after following transient disturbances.

Transient over voltage in the system (Variable Voltage in the system)
Lighting over voltage  in the system
Temporary fault or switching operation of CB , DS or fault clearing
Transformer energization.

The voltage jump from one stable state to another ( Oscillation ) is highly depend on initial conditions of the above mention circuit. ( residual flux in the transformer or non linear load , capacitance, switching instant  ).

The effect of the Ferroresonance is,

1.Sustained Over voltage and Over current with waveform distortion,
2.Loud noise,
3. Malfunction of protection relays,
4.Over heating
5.Electrical equipment damage,
6.Insulation breakdown.

Once the Ferroresonance has appeared, the system keeps working under Ferroresonance situation until the source fail to give the energy to maintain it.


 Voltage transformers are devices particularly prone to ferroresonance on account of its nonlinear character and operating characteristics, because they are designed to work under conditions similar to no-load ones.
On the one hand, inductive voltage transformers are even more susceptible to ferroresonance, since they have a higher inductive character and, consequently, they need a lower capacitance to form the ferroresonant circuit . This tendency of inductive transformers to be prone to ferroresonance becomes more important when operating in isolated grounded systems or when feeded by circuits that include circuit breakers with grading capacitances. On the other hand, the design of capacitive voltage transformers includes a capacitive divider that increases their tendency to ferroresonance occurrence.

The controlling of ferroresonance in primary side is very difficult since the controlling of causes of ferroresonance. But   ferroresonance effect can control in VT secondary voltage and can avoid the damaging the secondary equipments ( meters, relays) malfunctions of protective relays .

1. Inductive Voltage Transformers 

 To control these  ferroresonance oscillations , a damping circuit is insert in the transformer’s
open-delta secondary (tertiary) winding.

Damping circuit in the transformer’s open-delta secondary
(tertiary) winding

A damping circuit formed by a resistor connected in series with an LC filter or a saturable inductor.
The performance of LC filters is used to damp the ferroresonant oscillation at frequencies different from the
fundamental one.

Basic circuits for ferroresonance suppression

In this circuit the resistor is continiously connected in in the seconday circuit and more heat take places. And the other hand , the use of a saturable inductor connected in series with a resistor makes the damping circuit adequate for every ferroresonant oscillation, since its performance with regard to saturation does not depend on the frequency content. This way, the inductor works as a magnetic switch: when the ferroresonant phenomenon appears, the inductor gets saturated, giving way to the reduction of its impedance and inserting the series-connected resistor that allows damping the ferroresonance.

3.2. Capacitive Voltage Transformers

These kinds of transformers usually include a ferroresonance suppression system . Althoughthe aim of this system is to damp effectively the ferroresonance phenomenon, its inclusion may affect considerably the transient response of the transformer, causing misoperation of protective relays and associated systems.
Nowadays, there are mainly two types of ferroresonance suppression circuits in capacitive voltage transformers:
Active Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits (AFSC), base on a series-parallel RLC filter, and Passive Ferroresonance Suppression Circuits (PFSC), based on a saturable inductor in series with a damping resistance. AFSC are more effective in damping the ferroresonant oscillations than PFSC, although its influence on the transient response of the transformer is higher. Both systems usually incorporate surge protection devices. Figure shows the typical elements included in the design of a ferroresonance suppression circuit.

More details about Ferroresonance  in Voltage Transformer  DOWNLOAD

Thursday, August 15, 2013


1.The line energization will causes damage if other end Line earth switch was closed. 
The remote end earth switch interlock scheme is used to avoid this condition.

2. Sub-1 line Earth Switch status given to Sub-2  line DS  interlock and Sub-2 line Earth Switch status given to Sub-1 Dis connector interlock.

3.If Sub-1 ES closed then Sub-2 line DS should not close vic var. Same Sub-2 ES closed Sub-1 line DS should not close vic var.

4. Take  ES status 'NO' contact  and transfer to remote end trough protection communication equipment. Pick up one Aux. Relay and relay contact add with DS interlock.

5. Same way take  DS status 'NO' contact and transfer to remote end trough protection communication equipment. Pick up one Aux. Relay and relay contact add with ES interlock.

6.Two communication channels are required to send and receive the DS, ES status.


1. Short all Spare CT secondary cores in Primary current injection path. Otherwise heavy voltage will develop in the  Spare core and damage CT secondary.

2. Check any open path in the used secondary taps and tightness of all CT circuit. Any sound hearing in the CT then consider open circuit in the secondary.

3. If any CT cores are open then the equipment will not drive the Primary current more than 50 A.

4. Check the Primary current injection Equipment Auxiliary Supply cable. It should withstand more than 20A continuous rating.

5. Use separate generator supply for Primary current injection test. Otherwise the Primary current wouldn't constant value. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Nowadays the substations are upgraded with SAS and substations become unmanned.

SAS is the internal Network made inside the Substation. All Protection relays and Bay control units are connected in that network through Industrial Ethernet . This network is controlled and monitor by Station master computers and also this network connected with Station Operator PCs, Station Engineering PCs, GATE WAY computers to control and monitor the substation activities from remote end by SCADA system.


First the network is made section vice according to voltage level. For example all 380kv all protection Relays and Bay control units are connected consider as one group and its connected with two network.
One is main and other one is backup. All relays and BCUs are connected with Industrial Ethernet Switch with fiber optic cable. All Ethernet switches are connected each other in the network.

There are two net work formed for each voltage level . One is main and other one is standby. First network is connected with Station level computer -1 , Gate way computer -1 , Operator work station -1,Engg Station computer , and GPS. Second network is connected  Station level computer -2 , Operator work station -2, Gate way computer -2 and GPS.

Protection relays 

All numerical relays can connect with SAS network through fiber optic connection. Set-1 Relays ( ABB relays) are grouped for one Ethernet and backup SET-2 relays ( AREVA relays ) are grouped in other Ethernet. All relays should have two fiber connections, one is main and other one is back up ( REDUNDANT PRP).

Non numerical relays are connected with SAS network through RTU.

Bay control units

Bay Control Units is Numerical relay. Fixed in GIS bay Local control panel ( LCC ) .
BCUs are used for Bay equipment operations, Monitor the bay events and Measurement monitor.

a. Bay equipment operations

Bay equipment CB, Disconnectors , Earth switches can Open close according to its Soft and hard wire logic.

Soft logic made inside the BCU. So all open & close status of all equipments in the particular bay  should give to BCU. For example to close the breaker in double bus scheme in service condition needs DS status. and for close the DS  needs ES status.

Each and every bays can share the status each other through GOOSE signal. This status can monitor in SCADA and SOE.

b. Measurement Monitor

CT,VT inputs can connect with BCU for Current and Voltage monitoring and Synchro Check.

For double bus scheme Bus voltage and line voltage should given to BCU for synchro check function
All voltage related to the bus should give to BCU.

Station master computers

Station master computer is loaded with SAS software Ex.Micro SCADA - ABB.  This software is used to connect all IEDs ( Relays ) BCUs and make a way to communicate each other.

SAS engineers download all configuration files from all protection Relays.

ABB relays - PCM -I file for individual relays or PCM - P file for all relays in one project. ( No need          *. ICD files)

AREVA relays - *.PLC file ( No need *.SCT file for SAS configuration)

Siemens relays - Device file ( No need Variant file)

SAS engineers will add ( Engineering ) the SAS communication function block in that configurations.All function block in the relay configuration will connected with SAS communication function block. Now this file is called System Configuration Description file ( SCD file).

This SCD files again will uploaded in all protection relays.

Micro SCADA will communicate the relays through this SAS communication function block and get the all Status, Events and voltage current measurement of the relays.

This Events displayed as Alarm list,Event List in the Operator work station PC.

Protection relays can't triggered by using Micro SCADA.

BCUs and Auto Re close RTCC relays configurations allows to receive the command from SAS.

BCUs - Open / Close command

Auto Re close - IN / OUT command
RTCC - Rise / Lower 

Station Operator PCs

Station Operator PCs are connected with SAS network for Station equipment operations. The Micro SCADA allows Station operators to Open and Close the  Station equipments and monitors Events, Alarms, Measurements through this PC.

Station Engineering PCs

 Station Engineering PCs are connected with SAS network for Station Protection relays communications. The Micro SCADA allows Station operators to Monitor and upload and download the relay configurations.

GATE WAY computers

Station Engineering PCs are connected with SAS network for substation remote Remote access. The Micro SCADA allows Station operators to Open and Close the  Station equipments and monitors Events, Alarms, Measurements through this PC in Remote places. SCADA and SOE points are send to NCC through gate way.

RTU ( Remote Terminal Unit)

All non numerical relays are communicating with SAS network through RTU.

SAS Photos