Friday, February 5, 2010


Protection bay C2 (A804,A805,A806)

Distance protection

1.Fault current enter side should be CT P1

2.If 1 1/2 scheme CT's cover both breakers and connect the CT wires parallal and given to Relay.

3. Voltage is taken from line side VT only.

4.Give trip to 94 Electric Lock Out Relay and send the trip camand( DTTR) to other end through PSE.

5. 94 will Trip TC1 and TC2 of A805,A806 breackers and initiate BF.

6. 94 trip by the following commands.

a. 21 relay

b. 67 relay

c. DTTR from next end

d.PD trip from other end

No cammands BF from other end

9.Trip cammand send to othere end.
a. DTTR (21 relay)
b.Second stage PD trip from both breakers

c.Secound stage Breaker failure trip from both breakers.

Breaker failure Protection

CT connection

The CT on bus side and P1 should be power intering in to breaker


BF initiations

1.Set-1,Set-2, 94 LOR Al-Fadhili

2.86BB-1,86 BB -2 A806

3.86 BF (A805,A809,A812)

94 LOR (stage-1)

After 62BF-1 time

1. Retrip A806 (TC-1,TC-2)

86 BF-1, 86 BF-2 Stage-2 (2 Units)

After 62BF-2 time

1. Trip- A805

2. Bus bar intiate bus-2 (A803,A806,A809,A812)

3.Trip send Other end Al Fadili

4.Close black for A 805,A809,A812

Breaker Failure for A805

1.86-1, 2, 3, 4 (Transformer High Side)
2.86BF A609 (Transformer Low Side)
3.86BF A804,86BF A806
4.94-1,94-2 (line-1)

94 BF Stage-1

1. After 62BF-1 time Retrip A805

86 BF Stage-2 (2 Units)

After 62BF-2
2. Trip & Close black A804,A806
3. Trip & Close black A609 & A301
4. Trip & Close black other end Al fadhili through PSE
5. BF initiation A804,A806,A609
6. Trip save A805.

Breaker Failure for A804

1.86-1, 2, 3, 4 (Transformer High Side)
2.86BF A609 (Transformer Low Side)
3.86BF A805,86BF A807, 86BF A810
4.86 BB-1,2 A804

94 BF Stage-1

7. After 62BF-1 time Retrip A804

86 BF Stage-2 (2 Units)

After 62BF-2
8. Trip & Close black A807,A810,A805
9. Trip & Close black A609 & A301
10. Bus -1 BB initiation (A807,A810)
11. BF initiation A807,A810,A805, A609
12. Trip save A804.